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☆스포넷 공식 설문☆    차종 변경 하거나 추가 하신 회원..?     ::설문 참여하기::

스포넷 메인 게시판입니다. 서로 존중하면서 편하고 자유롭게 이용해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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My Way

And now the end is near, so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case of which I'm certain.
I've lived life that's full, I've traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this, I did it my way.

Regrets, I've had a few, but that again too few to mention.
I did what I had to do, and saw it through without exemption.
I planed each charted course and each careful step along the byway.
And more, more than this , I did it my way.

Yes there was a time, I'm sure you knew.
When I bit off more than I can chew, but through it all when there is a doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and  stood tall, and I did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried, I had my fill and my share of  losing.
And now as tears subside, I found it all so amusing.
To think I did all that, and may I say not in a shy way.
Oh no, oh no, not me, I did it my way.

For what is a man , what has he got. If not himself, he has nought.
To say the things he truely feels, and not the word of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blow, and did it my way.
Yes,  it was my way.

정주영 명예회장의 영결식 때 장송곡으로 연주되었던 노래...
한번 듣고 흘려 버리기엔 아까운 고고한 삶의 철학이 담겨 있습니다.
가사에 담긴 삶의 진정한 모습을 생각해 보곤 합니다.
스스로 최선을 다했고 떳떳한 삶이라고 말할 수 있도록
우리의 일상을 다시 한 번 추스려 봅시다.

우리회원님들 최선을 다하는 하루, 떳떳한 하루,
하루가 쌓여서 성공의 금자탑을 만듭니다.
오늘도 정말 최선을 다하는 보람된하루가 됩시다


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댓글 6

스포넷은 자동 등업 시스템입니다. 가입후 가입인사 게시판과 출고신고 게시판에 인사 남겨주세요. 함께 환영 댓글 다시면 어느새 등급이 올라갈겁니다. ^0^
권한이 없습니다. 로그인


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